BTS discussion thread


Apr 30, 2018
Luckily that I'm studying about entertaiment stuff like how to make storyboard and etc. And from what I learn is, my lecture said that to make a good storyboards you have to make more details on them, like the stuff that you will put into the frames and others. And those all are not coincidence, because they do understand how the plot's going on and the bts just a puppet for them (this is so sad). Now i feel bad to the members but not to their production studio. Remember a girlband called stellar?

yes, what about stellar ? I liked their music but they're too sexy


Apr 30, 2018
Hmmm... I don't think you are a troll.. And i was just wondering if you could use another hidden username to come and join the discussion ..
After 33 hours won't you be coming back to talk?

This backward thinking thing.. Namj00n is really good at it ..
And can you clear me is there any good music on this earth ? Or is all the music infiltrated nowadays?
Well, I think the only 'safe' musics/songs are patriotic songs, wedding song and celebration songs :/


Jun 20, 2018
Am I the only one who finds it a bit weird that in some scenes they’re not wearing shoes?

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Going barefoot in the Bible

Although shoes were worn in ancient Samaria and Egypt, historians believe most people went barefoot. Shoes were worn only by the rich and influential and when they went barefoot this was taken as significant. According to the Holy Scriptures barefoot walking intimated one of three states: the lack of social status, humility, or reference to the Divine.

A common punishment or judgement was being forced to go without shoes it can be concluded wearing shoes was a privilege extended only to the few. Prisoners and slaves were made to go barefoot to prevent escape.

Look at it this way, a person wearing shoes walks with his feet safely protected and can tread wherever he wants. He does not need to think about where he is going or what he is stepping on. But when a person walks barefoot, not every surface is available to him. He has to think before he takes the next step. He has to anticipate the terrain and navigate accordingly. He cannot walk freely and must instead look in front of him and choose carefully before he puts his foot down.

Personally I think them being barefoot hints at them being mind controlled/slaves, they’re not free to “move” at their own will, they have to be cautious of every little thing they do just in case they end up saying the wrong things

Could be there's a posibility?

I mean like, RM wear white jeans and Yoongi wear black one.

And I've read the late posts, if there could be any posibility taehyung as a role(like the most one who impact the agenda[please correct me if it's wrong]), and only taehyung and jungkook who uses the dark blue and I don't know why I feel like two of them is the role. and about Jin and Jhope, I think that they still consider about 'what's going on in my group? why is this so weird'-things? And probably, two of them is still innocent(?)

sorry if my english is so bad


Apr 22, 2018
I don't know much about bts. I only see what my inner eye reveals to me. I know someone who's part of their cult. They're the worst but know the most.

Their music videos and references make it easy to see which teachings they follow.

Celebrities fly to Dubai for various reasons:
- prostitution
- occult rituals (especially sex rituals)

Dubai is a popular place for child trafficking.

I'm part of the Thelema Society. We live according to the book of the law Liber AL vel Legis of Aleister Crowley.
In my cult, we learn to enter and leave a room backwards, to read backwards, to talk backwards, to think backwards.
Love is the law. Love under the will.
We worship ancient Egyptian gods.
We have pictures and statues of Egyptian deities in our houses and churches. We worship Bastet, Horus, Ra and Anubis. Ra is our creator and rules all parts of the world.

We call ourselves Christians in public.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this. It's too late anyway. I've done things in the past that weren't allowed.

33 is my lucky number, 6 my compulsory and destiny number.

With "3 minutes" I meant, I only had 3 minutes to answer your questions. 33 hours aren't over yet.

My posts are "protected" for 33 hours. You don't have to know what that means.

V is an indigo child, an old soul. He sees what I see. His inner eye is wide open. And because he sees what I see, he's more susceptible to evil. Jung Kook is a weak soul. Park Jimin needs serious help, he's about to break inside. Min Yoongi is evil, evil, evil and worse than Nam Joon. Nam Joon is most of the time not himself. Jin suffers from depression and has suicidal thoughts. This is what I see when I watch their current videos.

It's good to be suspicious. I don't trust myself either.
As I said, I don't care if you believe me or not.

This thread may be unimportant to you, but not for very specific people. And it's not about what you write, but about yourself.

I want to make one thing clear: I'm not a troll. I didn't insult you nor stop your discussion.

I didn't read all of your comments.

Yes, I started talking about bts because you wanted to know some information about them. Now I have fulfilled your wish and you continue to complain. Your behavior is childish. Don't ask me questions if you're not interested or consider me a liar.

My life was already in danger, as I have broken a number of rules in the past.

You don't understand. I can only reveal few things.

You should doubt the person who went to a Juju priest (a high priest, we also have high priests) and comes from a family with a "generational pact". Read her posts carefully. Her friend was part of my cult - or was SHE part of my cult? She says she doesn't believe in "one true religion". These are the teachings we're taught.
She constantly mentions Seokjin being a potential sacrifice. Why? Because she knows that they have something important in common. She's the one who didn't doubt my posts. Why?
Her name is a popular code name.
She was born in December and is a Capricorn. Ding Dong. You want me to spill the tea? Question her. Because I know who she is.

We question strange things because that's our job! You do provide information but you come as really fishy!!! I was born on December 6 2000( with master number 11) but that would not mean I am suspicious! So , first , don't come to conclusions just because of someone's birthday. And if you are in a life threatening situation then you wouldn't have post here. I highly doubt you. Please reveal everything of you have something! That would really help.

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
I don't know much about bts. I only see what my inner eye reveals to me. I know someone who's part of their cult. They're the worst but know the most.

Their music videos and references make it easy to see which teachings they follow.

Celebrities fly to Dubai for various reasons:
- prostitution
- occult rituals (especially sex rituals)

Dubai is a popular place for child trafficking.

I'm part of the Thelema Society. We live according to the book of the law Liber AL vel Legis of Aleister Crowley.
In my cult, we learn to enter and leave a room backwards, to read backwards, to talk backwards, to think backwards.
Love is the law. Love under the will.
We worship ancient Egyptian gods.
We have pictures and statues of Egyptian deities in our houses and churches. We worship Bastet, Horus, Ra and Anubis. Ra is our creator and rules all parts of the world.

We call ourselves Christians in public.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this. It's too late anyway. I've done things in the past that weren't allowed.

33 is my lucky number, 6 my compulsory and destiny number.

With "3 minutes" I meant, I only had 3 minutes to answer your questions. 33 hours aren't over yet.

My posts are "protected" for 33 hours. You don't have to know what that means.

V is an indigo child, an old soul. He sees what I see. His inner eye is wide open. And because he sees what I see, he's more susceptible to evil. Jung Kook is a weak soul. Park Jimin needs serious help, he's about to break inside. Min Yoongi is evil, evil, evil and worse than Nam Joon. Nam Joon is most of the time not himself. Jin suffers from depression and has suicidal thoughts. This is what I see when I watch their current videos.

It's good to be suspicious. I don't trust myself either.
As I said, I don't care if you believe me or not.

This thread may be unimportant to you, but not for very specific people. And it's not about what you write, but about yourself.

I want to make one thing clear: I'm not a troll. I didn't insult you nor stop your discussion.

I didn't read all of your comments.

Yes, I started talking about bts because you wanted to know some information about them. Now I have fulfilled your wish and you continue to complain. Your behavior is childish. Don't ask me questions if you're not interested or consider me a liar.

My life was already in danger, as I have broken a number of rules in the past.

You don't understand. I can only reveal few things.

You should doubt the person who went to a Juju priest (a high priest, we also have high priests) and comes from a family with a "generational pact". Read her posts carefully. Her friend was part of my cult - or was SHE part of my cult? She says she doesn't believe in "one true religion". These are the teachings we're taught.
She constantly mentions Seokjin being a potential sacrifice. Why? Because she knows that they have something important in common. She's the one who didn't doubt my posts. Why?
Her name is a popular code name.
She was born in December and is a Capricorn. Ding Dong. You want me to spill the tea? Question her. Because I know who she is.


Are you talking about me???
English is not my first language. Can someone tell me if she's talking about me, because she mentioned the high priest I went to.
May 24, 2018
I don't know much about bts. I only see what my inner eye reveals to me. I know someone who's part of their cult. They're the worst but know the most.

Their music videos and references make it easy to see which teachings they follow.

Celebrities fly to Dubai for various reasons:
- prostitution
- occult rituals (especially sex rituals)

Dubai is a popular place for child trafficking.

I'm part of the Thelema Society. We live according to the book of the law Liber AL vel Legis of Aleister Crowley.
In my cult, we learn to enter and leave a room backwards, to read backwards, to talk backwards, to think backwards.
Love is the law. Love under the will.
We worship ancient Egyptian gods.
We have pictures and statues of Egyptian deities in our houses and churches. We worship Bastet, Horus, Ra and Anubis. Ra is our creator and rules all parts of the world.

We call ourselves Christians in public.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this. It's too late anyway. I've done things in the past that weren't allowed.

33 is my lucky number, 6 my compulsory and destiny number.

With "3 minutes" I meant, I only had 3 minutes to answer your questions. 33 hours aren't over yet.

My posts are "protected" for 33 hours. You don't have to know what that means.

V is an indigo child, an old soul. He sees what I see. His inner eye is wide open. And because he sees what I see, he's more susceptible to evil. Jung Kook is a weak soul. Park Jimin needs serious help, he's about to break inside. Min Yoongi is evil, evil, evil and worse than Nam Joon. Nam Joon is most of the time not himself. Jin suffers from depression and has suicidal thoughts. This is what I see when I watch their current videos.

It's good to be suspicious. I don't trust myself either.
As I said, I don't care if you believe me or not.

This thread may be unimportant to you, but not for very specific people. And it's not about what you write, but about yourself.

I want to make one thing clear: I'm not a troll. I didn't insult you nor stop your discussion.

I didn't read all of your comments.

Yes, I started talking about bts because you wanted to know some information about them. Now I have fulfilled your wish and you continue to complain. Your behavior is childish. Don't ask me questions if you're not interested or consider me a liar.

My life was already in danger, as I have broken a number of rules in the past.

You don't understand. I can only reveal few things.

You should doubt the person who went to a Juju priest (a high priest, we also have high priests) and comes from a family with a "generational pact". Read her posts carefully. Her friend was part of my cult - or was SHE part of my cult? She says she doesn't believe in "one true religion". These are the teachings we're taught.
She constantly mentions Seokjin being a potential sacrifice. Why? Because she knows that they have something important in common. She's the one who didn't doubt my posts. Why?
Her name is a popular code name.
She was born in December and is a Capricorn. Ding Dong. You want me to spill the tea? Question her. Because I know who she is.

Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What else can you give info about BT$? Who is the most in danger? J1n sufferer from depression/sucidal? But he's so happy/joking? Is this about B*urn the St*age? Also JayK being weak soul please say more? J1min almost about to break (like in a dangerous way or mentally/physically break?) Y00ngi evil how? And how is he worse than R*m? What is BT$ cult? You said they were part of the biggest one...
Also, what do you think about their F*L performance? Any theories on their songs? Since you're here, might as well spill all the tea.... And give more concrete stuff. Thank you.

My apologies if you are telling the truth and really are in danger, but you're like cornering/shading another poster in this thread and that creates animosity... Why don't you address them directly and have a proper conversation so you can clear things up?

Also, you said:
Celebrities fly to Dubai for various reasons:
- prostitution
- occult rituals (especially sex rituals)

Dubai is a popular place for child trafficking.
Do you think/saw BT$$ do any of these in Dubai? Which specifically?

This thread may be unimportant to you, but not for very specific people. And it's not about what you write, but about yourself. What do you mean by this? Do the !lluminati read this or BT$? I honestly doubt it.

Why if you're capricorn? You're evil suddenly? I don't believe that. How about that code name you talked what does it mean?

Please answer concretely, as this helps with credibility like what you said about what cult you belonged to please answer concretely about BT$.
Also what about B!gH1t?

You call yourself Christians in public but how about privately how do you call your members? and how do you recognize each other ?

Also who is at the top 1%? Who is your leader? Who is part of your cult? Expose these if you really are in danger.

Also, please reconsider repenting. Never too late.
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May 1, 2018
speaking of "her " being "Lucifer " didn't Kendrick Lamar call Lucifer "Lucy" during an entire song in his album to pimp a butterfly? he was having a conversation with "Lucy"
and btw number 19 is a great thing in Islam , the first "aya" in the Quoran and almost all surat has 19 letters in Arabic , and this aya is what Muslim say when fearing a demon or wanting to be protected from the devil , it's also what is said if someone wakes up scared at night , over all this aya is extremely important and it is said in the beginning of everything and anything


Dec 22, 2017
Guys, sorry for interrupting you but it's for all of you to stay away from such people as clairvoyants and the similar ones. They work with demons and you risk to start trusting them instead in what God has warned us against. Stay firm in Christ and don't get yourselves into this.


Jun 20, 2018
RM's accessories are also interesting. Restraints/chains are often used to symbolize if someone's controlled aka mk-ultra. Despite the fact that he seems to have more freedom than the others, I still think he's a slave.

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Any thoughts on the water bottle? Must have a meaning why they'd include it since it's quite random.

Water means source of life
Bottle means like a prison for me

so maybe it means like the source of his life has been in prison? I feel like in that way