BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
Yeh exactly I wish he did him going to America alone never sat right with me he was only 15 right???? Bless him and thank you for your words of encouragement every time I tried to reply to you my internet turned off but when I went everywhere else it was fine weird it wouldn’t let me access this website and as I’m typing it’s turned off again smh
Stay positive :) you can do it you were able to sense something was wrong. You have good sense. Yeah this website I can't access on my phone ads pop up.. weird.

Yes he was fairly young...Hopefully nothing happened..But now it seems something did.:(
May 24, 2018
May 24, 2018
Wtf lmao what a face JayK xD
And I pray for JayK to leave and become a photographer
He looks so shook. Like his eyes gonna pop.Was he unprepared for this? lmao. Wish he'd get out as well.

BT$$ sh@wn collab:

Yess! I find this really important. It can help us understand who's really behind this.

Revelation 13:18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.


Shook!o_O And many people venerate the p0pe and Vatican.


Jun 1, 2018
I feel pathetic crying (literally) over a man who lives in a different continent who’s involved in dark stuff and doesn’t even know I exist
You guys probably think I’m pathetic too Ik this was going to happen I should have stopped falling for him over and over again I regret it so much
Thank you sweetie I’ve got an exam today too my head is all over the place hopefully I’ll get over them
Big warm hug to you. I could understand your position because I have been in your place 6 years ago. Falling in love deeply in 1 Kpop group and thinking my bias for a whole day, even sharing the band update every time a met with my best friends (she is just a casual Kpop fans), going to their concert, buying their album, talking non stop to every Kpop fans about them every time I had a chance. Until someday I could stop being their fans but falling in trapped again 2 years ago after being attracted to B*T$, even though the feeling is different (not deeply in love with any of them. I saw them like a little brother because they are all younger than me)

Give yourself time, dear. It is ok to cry. I believe you will heal someday from them. Trust me, I have been in your place. Yeah it is hurt now but you will be healed later. Just trust yourself and giving your self time.. *hug
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May 24, 2018
So @love for lucy was not a troll ?
Seems like they were. Must've regurgitated whats in the thread. They didn't talk about BT$ at first and about religion and kept saying 33 hours, 333, 3 minutes left. Trolling hard. But they did do the "her" lucifer part so they must be luciferian. And just connected BT$ has that whole album LY:"her" definitely don't think they're talking about a lady i think. They didn't say anything new info. about BT$
unless we take that Vee is bisexual as new? Idk if that has been discussed but he has that androgynous look. But idk if that equals bisexuals must just be stylists/make-up
And that person can't say nothing about jh0pe like in the thread we haven't talked much about him. Basically copied what other people said even blissfate mentioned the auras, and the world is a stage told about the magicians and much other stuff I said I thought too about moon children so they be a luciferian copycat.
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Feb 7, 2018
They are done taming j1min.. Now it's k00ks turn ..
Hence instead of j1min we see k00k at 3:33 now... Imo
And bcs of it, now it's k00k's turns to reveal his abs? J!m!n shows his abs at their debut... (I dunno why but that's what I think lol)

Actually I wonder why girls are so interested in abs, I don't find it attractive (just like, "oh he has a well-built body it looks good") or is it just me?

My questions are ridiculous I know :(
May 24, 2018
Ok I thought that too :D

Someone on youtube from this thread made a video on bts and illuminati and 95% of arm¥ were angry at the vid saying "it's false they all worked hard for their fame" blablabla :/
(That's how I found this thread btw and i'm happy for it :D )
What's the vid called? I haven't found much about BT$ it the one at the front page? Those fans are in denial.

Also, more coal briquette They're very active right now on twitter. Its June 21. Its the day for sacrifice.
confirmed the day today in SK:
Kinda a hint for J0nGHyun?
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Date in South Korea
June 21 - 22 - Summer Solstice
June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
Yes, truly wolf in sheep's clothing.

Matthew 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
They're so powerful. Fooled a lot of people. Dang....

And bcs of it, now it's k00k's turns to reveal his abs? J!m!n shows his abs at their debut... (I dunno why but that's what I think lol)

Actually I wonder why girls are so interested in abs, I don't find it attractive (just like, "oh he has a well-built body it looks good") or is it just me?

My questions are ridiculous I know :(
People are totally vain rn. So 'abs' = aesthetic. And you know, thirsty.:p
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May 20, 2018
And bcs of it, now it's k00k's turns to reveal his abs? J!m!n shows his abs at their debut... (I dunno why but that's what I think lol)

Actually I wonder why girls are so interested in abs, I don't find it attractive (just like, "oh he has a well-built body it looks good") or is it just me?

My questions are ridiculous I know :(
Aw.. No they're not ridiculous ...
No question is ridiculous..

And welcome here..

And yes thats what i think... And even i don't like guys exposing abs.. But there are fans out there who are dying to get a glimpse or maybe some p3d0philes too...
May 24, 2018
Yes it is I just saw haha ^^"

Also, a gloomy tweet: Jun 21

June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
Coal briquettes tweet, june 21? Coincidence?

Aw.. No they're not ridiculous ...
No question is ridiculous..

And welcome here..

And yes thats what i think... And even i don't like guys exposing abs.. But there are fans out there who are dying to get a glimpse or maybe some p3d0philes too...
P*edos would love that
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May 24, 2018
So much focus today on Ye0ntan. 3 tweets currently showing Coal briquette. June 21.
June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
Maybe I also think what if they like dogs because...
and this maybe a reach....
What about Cerberus the ("hound of Hades")
In Greek mythology, Cerberus (/ˈsɜːrbərəs/;[2] Greek: Κέρβερος Kerberos [ˈkerberos]), often called the "hound of Hades", is the monstrous multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. Cerberus was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and usually is described as having three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from parts of his body. Cerberus is primarily known for his capture by Heracles, one of Heracles' twelve labours.

A comment:
He probably named it way before this post. But the fact that this was posted today is such a foreshadowing.... I don't know what to feel. Definitely gave me shivers.
Predictive programming?
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Feb 23, 2018
No I’m shocked I don’t know what to think or say or believe
Please elaborate more Why is V so sad nowadays what happened
Awww poor Kookie if this is true I never got evil vibes from him
Who isn’t I’m sorry if I sounded rude previously I’m just so confused I really hope you’re a troll now
Oh goodness I don’t know how to take this
Are you serious? Do u really belive this operson?
It is obviously troll.
First, he said he came only to talk about religion no any other answers but now he talks about what you all want. Ando he/her just repeated all our guesses. If you didn't read the thread from the beginning, most of us came to conclusion that shuga and rm magicians, v and jin and maby jimin were born in it, and we all don't know for sure about jhope and jk - this is what many people here said. And tae is bi cs he has andro look. This person just repeated everything we said to make u belive in it.
Guys, the thread is to discuss bts illuminati, we all have different views and some people bring really interesting observations but if u gonna belive this trolls and trash the thread it is pointless, just ignore.

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
Thank you I’m not as obsessed as I used to be so I have hope
It’s sad though regardless I can’t help feeling really upset I don’t want to believe it but I don’t have a choice I wish this was all a lie
It’s been hard to love myself but BTS actually “helped” me as they put me into a darker hole
Stay strong my dear.


Jun 20, 2018
Hello. I saw what that person (love for Lucy) wrote about religion. Now some things that person mentioned is not that secret. Religions have been corrupted. I recently read a book by Kamal Salibi (a Labenese Christian historian) on who Jesus was. He also mentioned that Quran contains the correct history of Jesus the prophet. If anyone is interested, here is the link where you can download this book.

History has been altered and manipulated. This isn't new.

As for Islam (this is for muslims here or anyone interested), I suggest you watch these videos by a gentleman by the name of Sam Gerrans. He talked about the two points this person mentioned which are the hadith writers being persian infilterators to corrupt Islam

and the deification of Prophet Muhammad.

To be honest, I've come across this before. This isn't secret knowledge, just not wide spread. There are Quran alone Muslims who follow the Quran. There are books written about conspiracies against the Quran that explain how the hadith were made to destroy the true message of Islam.

As for the code 19-It's considered the mathematical miracle of the Quran. The Quran has linguistic and mathematical miracles.

''Some Islamic scholars, following the work of Rashid Khalifa, assert that numerous coincidences regarding the number "19" in the Quran are beyond chance, and prove that "a super intelligent source is responsible for this document [the Quran]; one who designed the work in this extraordinary manner, then managed to keep it a well guarded secret for 14 centuries, for a predetermined time. ..."

If you're more interested, you can find more info here:

I'm still studying, however, I'd like to share what I've learned so far in terms of religion:

Yes, the 3 Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) have been distorted. Islam however has the Quran. The Quran is the last book from God to humanity. You can say it's the updated version of the Torah and Injil/New Testament (book given to Issa or Jesus). Since it's the last book to humanity (no prophet will come), God will protect it and he promised to protect it. The Quran contains the core message given to Moses and Issa (Jesus) and additional laws meant for the entire mankind. Moses and Jesus were sent only to the children of Israel whereas Muhammad was the last prophet sent to mankind. He didn't bring anything new. The message has been the same since Adam.
The main message from the Quran: Believe in God, the last day(day of judgement), the divine books, messengers, angels and do good works and you will have your reward.
The real history of mankind and what God wants from us is still recorded in the Quran. However, the elite created these brands called Christianity, Judaism and Islam to keep people divided. They've also ruined the reputation of Islam in general so everyone won't even consider looking at the Quran.

If you're interested in checking out the Quran, here is one translation that I use which is devoid of any hadith references. It's free to download and is available in pdf format. Other translations insert explanations and quotes from the hadith. This particular translation is the meaning of the Arabic words to English. If you're Muslim, check it out as well. Here is the link:

Here is a video that gives an example the difference between hadith and Quran. Hadith in fact contradict the Quran yet Muslims follow hadith without questioning it.

I would recommend Christians and Muslims who really care to know the truth to deeply reconsider what we've been taught and research to find the truth. Keep an open mind.The deception of Satan goes deeper than we think. Knowledge is power. Don't be too arrogant or lazy to do due diligence.

I'm sorry for talking about religion but I felt it was important to address this as some members were concerned what that person wrote.

Now back to the main topic...
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May 20, 2018
Hello. I saw what that person (love for Lucy) wrote about religion. Now some things that person mentioned is not that secret. Religions have been corrupted. I recently read a book by Kamal Salibi (a Labenese Christian historian) on who Jesus was. He also mentioned that Quran contains the correct history of Jesus the prophet. If anyone is interested, here is the link where you can download this book.

History has been altered and manipulated. This isn't new.

As for Islam (this is for muslims here or anyone interested), I suggest you watch these videos by a gentleman by the name of Sam Gerrans. He talked about the two points this person mentioned which are the hadith writers being persian infilterators to corrupt Islam

and the deification of Prophet Muhammad.

To be honest, I've come across this before. This isn't secret knowledge, just not wide spread. There are Quran alone Muslims who follow the Quran. There are books written about conspiracies against the Quran that explain how the hadith were made to destroy the true message of Islam.

As for the code 19-It's considered the mathematical miracle of the Quran. The Quran has linguistic and mathematical miracles.

''Some Islamic scholars, following the work of Rashid Khalifa, assert that numerous coincidences regarding the number "19" in the Quran are beyond chance, and prove that "a super intelligent source is responsible for this document [the Quran]; one who designed the work in this extraordinary manner, then managed to keep it a well guarded secret for 14 centuries, for a predetermined time. ..."

If you're more interested, you can find more info here:

I'm still studying, however, I'd like to share what I've learned so far in terms of religion:

Yes, the 3 Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) have been distorted. Islam however has the Quran. The Quran is the last book from God to humanity. You can say it's the updated version of the Torah and Injil/New Testament (book given to Issa or Jesus). Since it's the last book to humanity (no prophet will come), God will protect it and he promised to protect it. The Quran contains the core message given to Moses and Issa (Jesus) and additional laws meant for the entire mankind. Moses and Jesus were sent only to the children of Israel whereas Muhammad was the last prophet sent to mankind. He didn't bring anything new. The message has been the same since Adam.
The main message from the Quran: Believe in God, the last day(day of judgment), the divine books, messengers, angels and do good works and you will have your reward.
The real history of mankind and what God wants from us is still recorded in the Quran. However, the elite created these brands called Christianity, Judaism and Islam to keep people divided. They've also ruined the reputation of Islam in general so everyone won't even consider looking at the Quran.

If you're interested in checking out the Quran, here is one translation that I use which is devoid of any hadith references. It's free to download and is available in pdf format. Other translations insert explanations and quotes from the hadith. This particular translation is the meaning of the Arabic words to English. If you're Muslim, check it out as well. Here is the link:

Here is a video that gives an example the difference between hadith and Quran. Hadith in fact contradict the Quran yet Muslims follow hadith without questioning it.

I would recommend Christians and Muslims who really care to know the truth to deeply reconsider what we've been taught and research to find the truth. Keep an open mind.The deception of Satan goes deeper than we think. Knowledge is power. Don't be too arrogant or lazy to do due diligence.

I'm sorry for talking about religion but I felt it was important to address this as some members were concerned what that person wrote.

Now back to the main topic...
Thanks for sharing
May 24, 2018
I donno why but i feel sad for Tae i mean mmm im .. donno but he act differently now. When i watch his vid on the v app im feel something . Its hard to explain .

He's been giving hints about the occult. Idk, what things he must be going through. It must be difficult. Please tell, what have you noticed about him now?

Hello. I saw what that person (love for Lucy) wrote about religion. Now some things that person mentioned is not that secret. Religions have been corrupted. I recently read a book by Kamal Salibi (a Labenese Christian historian) on who Jesus was. He also mentioned that Quran contains the correct history of Jesus the prophet. If anyone is interested, here is the link where you can download this book.

History has been altered and manipulated. This isn't new.

As for Islam (this is for muslims here or anyone interested), I suggest you watch these videos by a gentleman by the name of Sam Gerrans. He talked about the two points this person mentioned which are the hadith writers being persian infilterators to corrupt Islam

and the deification of Prophet Muhammad.

To be honest, I've come across this before. This isn't secret knowledge, just not wide spread. There are Quran alone Muslims who follow the Quran. There are books written about conspiracies against the Quran that explain how the hadith were made to destroy the true message of Islam.

As for the code 19-It's considered the mathematical miracle of the Quran. The Quran has linguistic and mathematical miracles.

''Some Islamic scholars, following the work of Rashid Khalifa, assert that numerous coincidences regarding the number "19" in the Quran are beyond chance, and prove that "a super intelligent source is responsible for this document [the Quran]; one who designed the work in this extraordinary manner, then managed to keep it a well guarded secret for 14 centuries, for a predetermined time. ..."

If you're more interested, you can find more info here:

I'm still studying, however, I'd like to share what I've learned so far in terms of religion:

Yes, the 3 Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) have been distorted. Islam however has the Quran. The Quran is the last book from God to humanity. You can say it's the updated version of the Torah and Injil/New Testament (book given to Issa or Jesus). Since it's the last book to humanity (no prophet will come), God will protect it and he promised to protect it. The Quran contains the core message given to Moses and Issa (Jesus) and additional laws meant for the entire mankind. Moses and Jesus were sent only to the children of Israel whereas Muhammad was the last prophet sent to mankind. He didn't bring anything new. The message has been the same since Adam.
The main message from the Quran: Believe in God, the last day(day of judgment), the divine books, messengers, angels and do good works and you will have your reward.
The real history of mankind and what God wants from us is still recorded in the Quran. However, the elite created these brands called Christianity, Judaism and Islam to keep people divided. They've also ruined the reputation of Islam in general so everyone won't even consider looking at the Quran.

If you're interested in checking out the Quran, here is one translation that I use which is devoid of any hadith references. It's free to download and is available in pdf format. Other translations insert explanations and quotes from the hadith. This particular translation is the meaning of the Arabic words to English. If you're Muslim, check it out as well. Here is the link:

Here is a video that gives an example the difference between hadith and Quran. Hadith in fact contradict the Quran yet Muslims follow hadith without questioning it.

I would recommend Christians and Muslims who really care to know the truth to deeply reconsider what we've been taught and research to find the truth. Keep an open mind.The deception of Satan goes deeper than we think. Knowledge is power. Don't be too arrogant or lazy to do due diligence.

I'm sorry for talking about religion but I felt it was important to address this as some members were concerned what that person wrote.

Now back to the main topic...
Thank you :)
May 24, 2018
I've read more about "Dubai porta potty" and I am completely disgusted! This is really sick. This is why people shouldn't have that much money. The depravity! so so so sick people! And this are rich people! You can't buy class with money. And you can't buy morality with money. Poor people selling themselves/mind/soul/body for something as transient as money and material goods (materialism).
These guys are so rich, hate their wives and bored with life they are willing to pay anything for their crazy sex fetishes and I was crazy enough to expect the money.
This depravity isn’t just about sex. It’s about power. These men get off on the degradation of women, even the degradation of animals. They get off on the knowledge that they’re wealthy enough to order women young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters from overseas and then spend hours pissing and shitting on them. For much the same reasons, these guys get off on the knowledge that they can harass, batter, r*pe, privately imprison, and even kill their maids and nannies with impunity.
Indeed its crazy. There is something really WRONG in this world.
Sick system.

To think BT$$ stayed there for 3 days. In their earlier years (2016). I'm scared to think what type of abuse they underwent with those depraved royalty/rich people/el1te. And satanic ritual abuse. Poor souls.

Insane this is like another rabbit hole!
THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, I love how you brought attention about Porta Potties. I was lucky enough to have an older sister that was a porta potty so as I was growing up, I idolized her for being 19 and paying my parents rent and practically buying me everything I desired. It made me sad though, because she was always gone in Vegas and traveling the world with her rich “Arabian” friends as I use to think. When I was 16, and old enough to understand she told me everything she did to obtain these funds but at the end told me she did it for my and my family. My sister and I are very blessed, both of us are 5’5, blonde hair, grey/blue eyes and not to toot my own horn but probably the best set of natural D’s you will come across. 2 years ago, I got out of a pretty bad relationship and wanted to try and get back into school, stop partying and get my sh*t together. I asked my sister if I could be a porty potty with her, but she got super mad at me, but a week later asked if I was serious and told me I cannot be a porta potty, but I can be a concubine for one of the Saudi Prince’s that she sees. I had no clue what the F*ck a concubine is. And for you that don’t know, well its probably the best job ever. Currently I’m 23 and for the past 22 months of my life, I have been living in Saudi with a very wealthy Prince. The Prince has his several wives, but then there is 6 or 7 concubines at his other palace at any given time. We live with the Prince full time, we have to sleep with him, or any of his sons at ANY time they desire, 3 some to orgies included. We do it all, and I kid you not Nik, we don’t get defecated on, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say some of his sons have a fetish with golden showers lololol. I don’t mind it, it is just pee. Before you judge me and say I’m some stupid gold diggin b*tch, let me tell you what I get in exchange for having sex. I get my education fully paid for, I have a 18,000 a month allowance, which goes into my savings account, since all of us concubines get to go shopping once a week and not just here is Saudi. We have a jet and body guards ready to take us anywhere at anytime we desire, long as the Prince approves it. He pays my parents mortgage, bought me a house back home so soon as I’m done with college I wouldn’t have to stress about anything. I don’t even want to tell you what I drive because you wouldn’t believe me. When I go on TheDirty or trips to St. Tropez and hear all these stories about these girls getting treated like hell and gettin sh*t and pissed on I feel bad for them. I’m lucky I only have to sleep with father and 4 sons and the other girls, instead of just getting gang banged by 10 old hair men. I feel bad for my sister when I hear that stuff cause I know she has been there. For all you future porta potties, or current porta potties… TAKE THIS ADVICE. If you can and are smart and hot enough, you have the potential to be a concubine, I highly recommend it… By the time I’m done with school, I will basically have my self set up for a very very long time. Judge me if you want, but ladies, don’t be porta potties have some self respect. Concubines are the future.
I don’t know if I should praise you or hate you?- nik
Another note, an el!te whistleblower:
I hope she lived. Brave princess.
Dubai Princess Latifa Al Maktoum EXPOSES the TRUTH about her father Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum
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