BTS discussion thread


Feb 14, 2018
Sometimes it feels like.. Some members knew this coming .. Maybe y00ngs knew it from the day he was feeling down that there would be a sacrifice.. Maybe he thought it was his turn to lose a loved one and then later when he might have found out that it wasn't him.. It's going to be some other member.. Then he regained his energy and appeared a bit more smiley...
I was watching their vlive after hearing the news and mentioned to my brother that they all seemed too happy and almost hyper at times considering the situation surrounding them and he said,

"Of course they're happy, it wasn't their turn yet."

He was half serious and joking because although he doesn't believe in this stuff he's not completely ruling it out. My younger sister was there too and was a little suprised because she's been hearing me talk about what was going to happen lately and she doesn't believe in this but even she said this made her a little scared and admitted she might be in denial about what goes on the world.


May 20, 2018
I was watching their vlive after hearing the news and mentioned to my brother that they all seemed too happy and almost hyper at times considering the situation surrounding them and he said,

"Of course they're happy, it wasn't their turn yet."

He was half serious and joking because although he doesn't believe in this stuff he's not completely ruling it out. My younger sister was there too and was a little suprised because she's been hearing me talk about what was going to happen lately and she doesn't believe in this but even she said this made her a little scared and admitted she might be in denial about what goes on the world.
Yeah that's what a normal person thinks when they observe them... The brainwashed ones don't seem to care at all...
It's like they are happy until their turn comes.. Or they have accepted their fates and laugh it away


Jun 7, 2018
I'm still basically a lurker here and am now only halfway through this thread. I've come to the conclusion that we all are clearly here for a specific reason.

Before I go any further, let me say a little about myself. Also:: This post is my personal opinion and I am not calling anyone wrong or claiming I'm right about any of my beliefs, as I have noticed many of us here have different religious beliefs and I do not wish to cause ANY trouble with any of you. Everyone here seems to be very nice and well educated, and also very respectful of others' opinions. I sincerely appreciate all the different viewpoints you all have contributed to this thread. I also want to add that I do not EVER speak out my opinion on any public forums, for I know just how quickly hostility comes in swarms toward an unpopular opinion. This particular topic is of utmost importance to me at the moment, therefore I feel compelled to say this to you all (and the lurkers who haven't spoken yet, but you ARE here for a reason...) So, with that being said, here we go....

I am a 27 year old woman who grew up in southeastern US, in a region known as "The Bible Belt". My entire family is in the dark about everything discussed in this forum, but one thing they have never been in the dark about is God. It has always been the solid "truth" they have clung to, no matter what. I was raised thinking the Baptists' mentality was the only way to go, and I really struggled with it, mostly because I desperately struggled with my sexual identity. Yes, many people believe homosexuality is a "lifestyle" and it is chosen. However, from someone who identifies as a lesbian, I can assure you that no child would ever "choose" a lifestyle that would cause you to lose your family or your friends. (But again, everyone is free to disagree)

I would say I struggled with Christianity up until last year, when I finally broke free from that mentality. I am in no way discrediting anyone's connection to a higher being, as I would have said exactly the same to you as you might say to me now. The problem I have with believing in God (THE God we all think of when we say "God") is that there's a hook associated with it. "Believe in God, OR burn in Hell." That's your only option folks. It's a fear based religion. Those that "love God" are only afraid of what happens if they don't. I have often heard the phrase by believers "better to believe in God and be wrong than to not believe and be wrong." That's not love for God guys... it's just fear of hell. Maybe if there was no threat of "Hell", I would be more likely to have stayed true to my faith. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Once you are informed of Christianity, you all of a sudden must accept this belief as your own, or down the fiery depths you go. Doesn't this sound like a trap to anyone but me? :(

Maybe I haven't articulated this well, and am coming off as bashing Christians. Please PLEASE don't take it this way, guys. I think we all walk the path trying to figure out things spiritually, and we all end up down different roads.
I said all of that to say this: the Bible takes all the responsibility away from US, the people who can see through the bs but are just waiting for someone else to do anything about it. Anybody seen the movie Mean Girls? There's a great quote by Janis Iain that explains our situation here. She says "there are two kinds of evil people. People that do evil stuff, and people that see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it.

The Bible tells us that God is going to take care of everything in the end. All we need to do is pray. In my personal opinion, this is the greatest deceit of all. That a "hero", essentially, will eventually stop all of this evil stuff from continuing (when the prophesied time comes). When I realized that, I was finally released from the shackles that are "religion". I don't think anyone is coming to the rescue. I think every single like-minded person in here isn't actually here to talk about Bt$ and their MVs. You all have proven you have strong minds and are very observant. Every one of you has woken up and broken away from the idea that we live in a utopia kind of world. Otherwise you would not be here. I think all of us here, and in other forums not specifically talking about b+s, are hungry for change. Aren't you ALL wanting to put a stop to all of this? Aren't you ALL thinking the reason for all these "in-your-face" symbolisms is the elite telling us how "futile" it is to go against them? The top of the pyramid is very small compared to the massive foundation upon which it rests. You think you have no power, that this is a battle between forces much greater than us. I believe this inferior mentality we all have (as individuals) is what keeps us from turning the tables. There are so many more people outside and unaware of "the agenda" than those who construct it. This can be done.

Perhaps I am in the wrong thread and no one here will see what I see.. but I believe that all of us here, following this thread, deep down want to do something about this. If not to save the world, then to save "our boys".

If anyone is offended by my thoughts, I apologize in advance. It was not my intention. I am just under the impression that many of you are like me.. you want to be here and talk about these issues with the band, but you also believe that you should be doing something to help them..

If anyone agrees with anything I've said, please start a dialogue with me. I am very open minded and would like to see what ideas you may have. I take this very seriously. Something needs to be done about all this. We all know it.

One more thing, kind of off-topic from above.. but has anyone been experiencing any synchronicities after having woken up (from the matrix)? I'm very interested to know.
Jun 5, 2018
I'm still basically a lurker here and am now only halfway through this thread. I've come to the conclusion that we all are clearly here for a specific reason.

Before I go any further, let me say a little about myself. Also:: This post is my personal opinion and I am not calling anyone wrong or claiming I'm right about any of my beliefs, as I have noticed many of us here have different religious beliefs and I do not wish to cause ANY trouble with any of you. Everyone here seems to be very nice and well educated, and also very respectful of others' opinions. I sincerely appreciate all the different viewpoints you all have contributed to this thread. I also want to add that I do not EVER speak out my opinion on any public forums, for I know just how quickly hostility comes in swarms toward an unpopular opinion. This particular topic is of utmost importance to me at the moment, therefore I feel compelled to say this to you all (and the lurkers who haven't spoken yet, but you ARE here for a reason...) So, with that being said, here we go....

I am a 27 year old woman who grew up in southeastern US, in a region known as "The Bible Belt". My entire family is in the dark about everything discussed in this forum, but one thing they have never been in the dark about is God. It has always been the solid "truth" they have clung to, no matter what. I was raised thinking the Baptists' mentality was the only way to go, and I really struggled with it, mostly because I desperately struggled with my sexual identity. Yes, many people believe homosexuality is a "lifestyle" and it is chosen. However, from someone who identifies as a lesbian, I can assure you that no child would ever "choose" a lifestyle that would cause you to lose your family or your friends. (But again, everyone is free to disagree)

I would say I struggled with Christianity up until last year, when I finally broke free from that mentality. I am in no way discrediting anyone's connection to a higher being, as I would have said exactly the same to you as you might say to me now. The problem I have with believing in God (THE God we all think of when we say "God") is that there's a hook associated with it. "Believe in God, OR burn in Hell." That's your only option folks. It's a fear based religion. Those that "love God" are only afraid of what happens if they don't. I have often heard the phrase by believers "better to believe in God and be wrong than to not believe and be wrong." That's not love for God guys... it's just fear of hell. Maybe if there was no threat of "Hell", I would be more likely to have stayed true to my faith. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Once you are informed of Christianity, you all of a sudden must accept this belief as your own, or down the fiery depths you go. Doesn't this sound like a trap to anyone but me? :(

Maybe I haven't articulated this well, and am coming off as bashing Christians. Please PLEASE don't take it this way, guys. I think we all walk the path trying to figure out things spiritually, and we all end up down different roads.
I said all of that to say this: the Bible takes all the responsibility away from US, the people who can see through the bs but are just waiting for someone else to do anything about it. Anybody seen the movie Mean Girls? There's a great quote by Janis Iain that explains our situation here. She says "there are two kinds of evil people. People that do evil stuff, and people that see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it.

The Bible tells us that God is going to take care of everything in the end. All we need to do is pray. In my personal opinion, this is the greatest deceit of all. That a "hero", essentially, will eventually stop all of this evil stuff from continuing (when the prophesied time comes). When I realized that, I was finally released from the shackles that are "religion". I don't think anyone is coming to the rescue. I think every single like-minded person in here isn't actually here to talk about Bt$ and their MVs. You all have proven you have strong minds and are very observant. Every one of you has woken up and broken away from the idea that we live in a utopia kind of world. Otherwise you would not be here. I think all of us here, and in other forums not specifically talking about b+s, are hungry for change. Aren't you ALL wanting to put a stop to all of this? Aren't you ALL thinking the reason for all these "in-your-face" symbolisms is the elite telling us how "futile" it is to go against them? The top of the pyramid is very small compared to the massive foundation upon which it rests. You think you have no power, that this is a battle between forces much greater than us. I believe this inferior mentality we all have (as individuals) is what keeps us from turning the tables. There are so many more people outside and unaware of "the agenda" than those who construct it. This can be done.

Perhaps I am in the wrong thread and no one here will see what I see.. but I believe that all of us here, following this thread, deep down want to do something about this. If not to save the world, then to save "our boys".

If anyone is offended by my thoughts, I apologize in advance. It was not my intention. I am just under the impression that many of you are like me.. you want to be here and talk about these issues with the band, but you also believe that you should be doing something to help them..

If anyone agrees with anything I've said, please start a dialogue with me. I am very open minded and would like to see what ideas you may have. I take this very seriously. Something needs to be done about all this. We all know it.

One more thing, kind of off-topic from above.. but has anyone been experiencing any synchronicities after having woken up (from the matrix)? I'm very interested to know.
preach girl, i didn't grow up in the christian family so it's weird me to see people pray for the something and after that just waiting for it instead do something on your own (don't be offended just really think about it). i don't have religion, instead of it i started believe in universe laws, i started to read about chakras (i don't mean reiki, reiki is way only get the money from the people), i started to be more interested in nature.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Yes, remember Paul Walker? He was sacrificed in a "car accident".
Right a d what's creepy about his death was again it was preducted in Family Guy, like Robin Williams, but the first movie he was in was The Skulls. In it he pledges to a secret society called the skulls (uncanny similarity to skull & bones). He is given a red porshe after initiation. He died while driving a red porshe.


Apr 1, 2018
I was watching their vlive after hearing the news and mentioned to my brother that they all seemed too happy and almost hyper at times considering the situation surrounding them and he said,

"Of course they're happy, it wasn't their turn yet."

He was half serious and joking because although he doesn't believe in this stuff he's not completely ruling it out. My younger sister was there too and was a little suprised because she's been hearing me talk about what was going to happen lately and she doesn't believe in this but even she said this made her a little scared and admitted she might be in denial about what goes on the world.
Yeah that experience seemed to release any denial I had about the situation and that this might in fact be a sacrifice
Shocking the pathway to that answer came so quick though, funny now how people are starting to question bts and that there might be something wrong with them

Koreans probably saw this coming lmao
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Apr 1, 2018
I'm still basically a lurker here and am now only halfway through this thread. I've come to the conclusion that we all are clearly here for a specific reason.

Before I go any further, let me say a little about myself. Also:: This post is my personal opinion and I am not calling anyone wrong or claiming I'm right about any of my beliefs, as I have noticed many of us here have different religious beliefs and I do not wish to cause ANY trouble with any of you. Everyone here seems to be very nice and well educated, and also very respectful of others' opinions. I sincerely appreciate all the different viewpoints you all have contributed to this thread. I also want to add that I do not EVER speak out my opinion on any public forums, for I know just how quickly hostility comes in swarms toward an unpopular opinion. This particular topic is of utmost importance to me at the moment, therefore I feel compelled to say this to you all (and the lurkers who haven't spoken yet, but you ARE here for a reason...) So, with that being said, here we go....

I am a 27 year old woman who grew up in southeastern US, in a region known as "The Bible Belt". My entire family is in the dark about everything discussed in this forum, but one thing they have never been in the dark about is God. It has always been the solid "truth" they have clung to, no matter what. I was raised thinking the Baptists' mentality was the only way to go, and I really struggled with it, mostly because I desperately struggled with my sexual identity. Yes, many people believe homosexuality is a "lifestyle" and it is chosen. However, from someone who identifies as a lesbian, I can assure you that no child would ever "choose" a lifestyle that would cause you to lose your family or your friends. (But again, everyone is free to disagree)

I would say I struggled with Christianity up until last year, when I finally broke free from that mentality. I am in no way discrediting anyone's connection to a higher being, as I would have said exactly the same to you as you might say to me now. The problem I have with believing in God (THE God we all think of when we say "God") is that there's a hook associated with it. "Believe in God, OR burn in Hell." That's your only option folks. It's a fear based religion. Those that "love God" are only afraid of what happens if they don't. I have often heard the phrase by believers "better to believe in God and be wrong than to not believe and be wrong." That's not love for God guys... it's just fear of hell. Maybe if there was no threat of "Hell", I would be more likely to have stayed true to my faith. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Once you are informed of Christianity, you all of a sudden must accept this belief as your own, or down the fiery depths you go. Doesn't this sound like a trap to anyone but me? :(

Maybe I haven't articulated this well, and am coming off as bashing Christians. Please PLEASE don't take it this way, guys. I think we all walk the path trying to figure out things spiritually, and we all end up down different roads.
I said all of that to say this: the Bible takes all the responsibility away from US, the people who can see through the bs but are just waiting for someone else to do anything about it. Anybody seen the movie Mean Girls? There's a great quote by Janis Iain that explains our situation here. She says "there are two kinds of evil people. People that do evil stuff, and people that see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it.

The Bible tells us that God is going to take care of everything in the end. All we need to do is pray. In my personal opinion, this is the greatest deceit of all. That a "hero", essentially, will eventually stop all of this evil stuff from continuing (when the prophesied time comes). When I realized that, I was finally released from the shackles that are "religion". I don't think anyone is coming to the rescue. I think every single like-minded person in here isn't actually here to talk about Bt$ and their MVs. You all have proven you have strong minds and are very observant. Every one of you has woken up and broken away from the idea that we live in a utopia kind of world. Otherwise you would not be here. I think all of us here, and in other forums not specifically talking about b+s, are hungry for change. Aren't you ALL wanting to put a stop to all of this? Aren't you ALL thinking the reason for all these "in-your-face" symbolisms is the elite telling us how "futile" it is to go against them? The top of the pyramid is very small compared to the massive foundation upon which it rests. You think you have no power, that this is a battle between forces much greater than us. I believe this inferior mentality we all have (as individuals) is what keeps us from turning the tables. There are so many more people outside and unaware of "the agenda" than those who construct it. This can be done.

Perhaps I am in the wrong thread and no one here will see what I see.. but I believe that all of us here, following this thread, deep down want to do something about this. If not to save the world, then to save "our boys".

If anyone is offended by my thoughts, I apologize in advance. It was not my intention. I am just under the impression that many of you are like me.. you want to be here and talk about these issues with the band, but you also believe that you should be doing something to help them..

If anyone agrees with anything I've said, please start a dialogue with me. I am very open minded and would like to see what ideas you may have. I take this very seriously. Something needs to be done about all this. We all know it.

One more thing, kind of off-topic from above.. but has anyone been experiencing any synchronicities after having woken up (from the matrix)? I'm very interested to know.
You see, your point is the reason I remain nonreligious i just am in search for answers rather than putting my trust in "God" when theres not enough evidence to prove that there is in fact a God.. I usually say universe since thats technically all we seem to know at this day and age

and yes i've experienced synchronicities as well.. they usually mean you're on the right path or are having a spiritual awakening
Its a good sign bc you're becoming more aware unlike most sheeple this day and age who don't see anything wrong with the world we live in


Apr 25, 2018
I'm still basically a lurker here and am now only halfway through this thread. I've come to the conclusion that we all are clearly here for a specific reason.

Before I go any further, let me say a little about myself. Also:: This post is my personal opinion and I am not calling anyone wrong or claiming I'm right about any of my beliefs, as I have noticed many of us here have different religious beliefs and I do not wish to cause ANY trouble with any of you. Everyone here seems to be very nice and well educated, and also very respectful of others' opinions. I sincerely appreciate all the different viewpoints you all have contributed to this thread. I also want to add that I do not EVER speak out my opinion on any public forums, for I know just how quickly hostility comes in swarms toward an unpopular opinion. This particular topic is of utmost importance to me at the moment, therefore I feel compelled to say this to you all (and the lurkers who haven't spoken yet, but you ARE here for a reason...) So, with that being said, here we go....

I am a 27 year old woman who grew up in southeastern US, in a region known as "The Bible Belt". My entire family is in the dark about everything discussed in this forum, but one thing they have never been in the dark about is God. It has always been the solid "truth" they have clung to, no matter what. I was raised thinking the Baptists' mentality was the only way to go, and I really struggled with it, mostly because I desperately struggled with my sexual identity. Yes, many people believe homosexuality is a "lifestyle" and it is chosen. However, from someone who identifies as a lesbian, I can assure you that no child would ever "choose" a lifestyle that would cause you to lose your family or your friends. (But again, everyone is free to disagree)

I would say I struggled with Christianity up until last year, when I finally broke free from that mentality. I am in no way discrediting anyone's connection to a higher being, as I would have said exactly the same to you as you might say to me now. The problem I have with believing in God (THE God we all think of when we say "God") is that there's a hook associated with it. "Believe in God, OR burn in Hell." That's your only option folks. It's a fear based religion. Those that "love God" are only afraid of what happens if they don't. I have often heard the phrase by believers "better to believe in God and be wrong than to not believe and be wrong." That's not love for God guys... it's just fear of hell. Maybe if there was no threat of "Hell", I would be more likely to have stayed true to my faith. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Once you are informed of Christianity, you all of a sudden must accept this belief as your own, or down the fiery depths you go. Doesn't this sound like a trap to anyone but me? :(

Maybe I haven't articulated this well, and am coming off as bashing Christians. Please PLEASE don't take it this way, guys. I think we all walk the path trying to figure out things spiritually, and we all end up down different roads.
I said all of that to say this: the Bible takes all the responsibility away from US, the people who can see through the bs but are just waiting for someone else to do anything about it. Anybody seen the movie Mean Girls? There's a great quote by Janis Iain that explains our situation here. She says "there are two kinds of evil people. People that do evil stuff, and people that see evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it.

The Bible tells us that God is going to take care of everything in the end. All we need to do is pray. In my personal opinion, this is the greatest deceit of all. That a "hero", essentially, will eventually stop all of this evil stuff from continuing (when the prophesied time comes). When I realized that, I was finally released from the shackles that are "religion". I don't think anyone is coming to the rescue. I think every single like-minded person in here isn't actually here to talk about Bt$ and their MVs. You all have proven you have strong minds and are very observant. Every one of you has woken up and broken away from the idea that we live in a utopia kind of world. Otherwise you would not be here. I think all of us here, and in other forums not specifically talking about b+s, are hungry for change. Aren't you ALL wanting to put a stop to all of this? Aren't you ALL thinking the reason for all these "in-your-face" symbolisms is the elite telling us how "futile" it is to go against them? The top of the pyramid is very small compared to the massive foundation upon which it rests. You think you have no power, that this is a battle between forces much greater than us. I believe this inferior mentality we all have (as individuals) is what keeps us from turning the tables. There are so many more people outside and unaware of "the agenda" than those who construct it. This can be done.

Perhaps I am in the wrong thread and no one here will see what I see.. but I believe that all of us here, following this thread, deep down want to do something about this. If not to save the world, then to save "our boys".

If anyone is offended by my thoughts, I apologize in advance. It was not my intention. I am just under the impression that many of you are like me.. you want to be here and talk about these issues with the band, but you also believe that you should be doing something to help them..

If anyone agrees with anything I've said, please start a dialogue with me. I am very open minded and would like to see what ideas you may have. I take this very seriously. Something needs to be done about all this. We all know it.

One more thing, kind of off-topic from above.. but has anyone been experiencing any synchronicities after having woken up (from the matrix)? I'm very interested to know.

If a creator/god wanted to have peace and love why wouldn't he just do it himself and erase all kinds of evil instead of putting us in fear so we will listen to him. It's like to pray and hope is all we can do. (Or what if this evil was part of his plan)
I thought it was weird to be allowed to sin and repent when you aren't aware about these rules, but when you know them don't ever sin in the first place (if that makes sense?)
Not saying it's true, but having a god who actually doesn't love you and hurts you would be the worst nightmare I could ever imagine.
I've always had these thoughts but whenever they came into my head, I was saying to myself "Don't think that or you'll go to hell!" haha
It hurts thinking about this


Apr 1, 2018

If a creator/god wanted to have peace and love why wouldn't he just do it himself and erase all kinds of evil instead of putting us in fear so we will listen to him. It's like to pray and hope is all we can do. (Or what if this evil was part of his plan)
I thought it was weird to be allowed to sin and repent when you aren't aware about these rules, but when you know them don't ever sin in the first place (if that makes sense?)
Not saying it's true, but having a god who actually doesn't love you and hurts you would be the worst nightmare I could ever imagine.
I've always had these thoughts but whenever they came into my head, I was saying to myself "Don't think that or you'll go to hell!" haha
It hurts thinking about this
We experience evil to teach us lessons from what i'm understanding
Hense the term energetic debt and karma
Everything happens for a reason, nothing is blankly a coincidence
Like i've halfway mentioned before, your thoughts control your reality..

Although its kind of a bullshit philosophy to assume all people who don't know of God go to hell lmao
I just know that if there are 2 sides to things being good and evil, I know pretty much where i stand even though those are technically just labels that we give things
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Jun 7, 2018
preach girl, i didn't grow up in the christian family so it's weird me to see people pray for the something and after that just waiting for it instead do something on your own (don't be offended just really think about it). i don't have religion, instead of it i started believe in universe laws, i started to read about chakras (i don't mean reiki, reiki is way only get the money from the people), i started to be more interested in nature.
Yes! I have also drifted towards that ideology. Christianity was just shoved down my throat for so long as a child, and for the most part, I tried to believe and when I had my days of doubt, I would always try to ignore it and tell myself I would eventually believe wholeheartedly. That day never came for me, and I finally became accepting of just being "agnostic". It was once I doubted Christianity that I became aware of all this occult stuff going on in the world. Opening my eyes to all that dark stuff led me back to Christianity, where I was convinced all of this was happening because Satan is doing what he's prophesied to do in the Bible. But something about just "sitting back and waiting on God to handle it" didn't sit right with me. That's when I finally was able to break away. There are a lot of things we don't know and can only speculate on. My speculation is that those who "wrote" the goodness of the Bible are the same ones providing us with the duality of it now - the evil we see in today's society is not opposite of the Bible, rather it's to solidify the "authenticity" of the Bible. For how would any of us buy into Revelations without physically seeing the "evil" in the world today? I think all this occult stuff in media is just served to us as "proof" for the concept they want us all to believe in. "Believe in this all knowing, all loving God. He will take care of you. Look at all this evil in the world today! It's Satan's doing! Don't do anything about it, because God's going to (eventually)!" Like we all know, the people/things behind this crap have had an agenda for a LONG time. Again though, strictly my opinion.


Apr 1, 2018
Yes! I have also drifted towards that ideology. Christianity was just shoved down my throat for so long as a child, and for the most part, I tried to believe and when I had my days of doubt, I would always try to ignore it and tell myself I would eventually believe wholeheartedly. That day never came for me, and I finally became accepting of just being "agnostic". It was once I doubted Christianity that I became aware of all this occult stuff going on in the world. Opening my eyes to all that dark stuff led me back to Christianity, where I was convinced all of this was happening because Satan is doing what he's prophesied to do in the Bible. But something about just "sitting back and waiting on God to handle it" didn't sit right with me. That's when I finally was able to break away. There are a lot of things we don't know and can only speculate on. My speculation is that those who "wrote" the goodness of the Bible are the same ones providing us with the duality of it now - the evil we see in today's society is not opposite of the Bible, rather it's to solidify the "authenticity" of the Bible. For how would any of us buy into Revelations without physically seeing the "evil" in the world today? I think all this occult stuff in media is just served to us as "proof" for the concept they want us all to believe in. "Believe in this all knowing, all loving God. He will take care of you. Look at all this evil in the world today! It's Satan's doing! Don't do anything about it, because God's going to (eventually)!" Like we all know, the people/things behind this crap have had an agenda for a LONG time. Again though, strictly my opinion.
They're only doing what they're doing because they believe they're powerful since material aspects seem to rule the world from my understanding, and these little fuckers like to be in control of things and feel like they're better than us
The less attention we pay to such things the less powerful they become
haha probably why I don't watch tv anymore
think of it like this
and it'll make a lot more sense